Master of Mordor
One has walked in Mordor. 解锁全部奖杯
You Will Obey
Make an uruk yours. 奴役一个uruk
Ratbag the Great and Powerful
Get Ratbag promoted to Warchief. 将一个ratbag晋升为warchief
The Bright Master
Discover some of the Wraith's past. 挖掘到一些wraith的过去
Gorthaur the Cruel
Destroy the Monument Gate and topple the statue of Sauron. 破坏纪念碑大门和sauron的雕塑
The Hammer Falls
Kill The Hammer. 杀死hammer
Beyond Hope
Save Lithariel's life. 拯救lithariel
The White Wizard
Lift Lady Marwen's curse. 解除marwen夫人的诅咒
For My Brother
Kill the Great White Graug. 杀死great white graug
The Tower Crumbles
Kill The Tower. 杀死the tower
The Hand is Severed
Kill The Black Hand. 杀死the black hand
To Rule them All
Witness the creation of The Rings of Power. 目睹权利之戒的诞生
Height of Despair
Use Strike From Above while at least 60 feet above your target. 从至少60英尺以上的高空袭击你的目标
Burning Vengeance
Perform an Execution on a flaming Berserker. 对一个火焰狂战士行刑
需要后期tier5的double charge、tier4的fire arrow,砍几刀充能之后对着狂战士(就是那个不能平砍,平砍会被反击拿双斧的怪)L2+R1然后△+○,难度1
And it Burns, Burns, Burns
Use the Detonate ability to burn 50 uruks. 使用爆炸能力点燃50个uruk
Iron of Death
Issue a Death Threat, and then successfully kill the target. 放出死亡威胁,之后成功地杀死你的目标
tier4的Death Threat允许你dominate敌人之后对其他已知敌人发出警告,被警告的敌人会携带一队小兵出场,warchief极大几率掉传奇符文,难度1
A New Master
Brand a Captain while in combat. 在一场战争中标记一名队长
No Power in Numbers
Help a Captain survive a Recruitment Power Struggle, and then kill him and all his new recruits. 帮助一名队长在新兵招募中存活下来,之后杀死他和他招募的所有新兵
Black Celebration
Poison a Captain at his own Feast. 在一场由队长举办的宴会中毒杀该队长
Stinking Rebels
Brand 5 Bodyguards of a Warchief, turning them against him in combat. 标记一名酋长的5名护卫并使他们对其反目成仇
A Graug's Heel
Capitalize on a Warchief's Fear. 利用酋长的恐惧
Divide and Conquer
Eliminate the bodyguards of two Warchiefs, then draw them out and kill them. 杀死两名酋长的护卫
Lord and Master
Brand all 5 Warchiefs. 标记全部5名酋长
Power Vacuum
Kill all 5 Warchiefs before any uruk take their place. 在uruk篡权之前杀死全部5名酋长
Rise and Fall
After an uruk kills you to become a Captain, help him become a Warchief, then kill him. 在一个uruk通过杀死你晋升为队长后,帮助他晋升为酋长,之后杀了他
The Spirit of Mordor
Start a Riot by commanding a Warchief to attack another Warchief. 使两名酋长反目
The White Rider
Liberate 30 slaves in 180 seconds while riding a caragor. 骑着caragor在180秒内解放30个奴隶
Free 5 caragors from cages. 解放5个被关在笼子里的caragor
Jaws of Death
Attract caragors with bait 5 times. 通过咬caragor5次来吸引其注意
Fly you fools!
Make 20 uruks flee by dropping Morgai Fly nests. 通过释放morgai虫巢驱散20名uruk
Repaid in Blood
Complete a Vendetta Mission. 完成一次复仇任务
Legend of Vengeance
Complete a Sword Mission and begin growing the legend of Urfael. 完成一个剑的任务来逐步成长为剑术达人
Fire of Justice
Complete all Urfael Legend Missions. 完成所有剑术达人任务
Legend of Shadow
Complete a Dagger Mission and begin growing the legend of Acharn. 完成一个小刀的任务来逐步成长为刺杀达人
The Last Shadow
Complete all Acharn Legend Missions. 完成所有刺杀达人任务
Legend of the Maker
Complete a Bow Mission and begin growing the legend of Azkar. 完成一个弓的任务来逐步成长为射术达人
The Maker's Bow
Complete all Azkar Legend Missions. 完成所有射术达人任务
The Cold Light
Unlock 3 Sword Rune slots. 解锁三个剑的符文槽
Paid in Blood
Unlock 4 Dagger Rune slots. 解锁4个小刀的符文槽
Strike True
Unlock 2 Bow Rune slots. 解锁两个弓的符文槽
A Mighty Doom
Acquire a level 25 Rune. 获得一个25级符文
最难的一个奖杯,条件warchief+2、death threat+1、fear/hate exploited+1、knowing weaknesses+1
Crowned with Living Light
Collect 50% of the Ithildin. 获得50%的秘银
Bearer of the Shining Lamp
Collect 100% of the Ithildin. 获得100%的秘银
Paths of the Dead
Collect 25% of the Artifacts. 获得25%的宝物
Shadows of the Ancient Past
Collect 100% of the Artifacts and listen to their memories. 获得100%的宝物并聆听他们的记忆
Scout of the Morannon
Successfully complete a Survivalist Challenge. 成功完成一次生存挑战
Ranger of Ithilien
Complete all Survivalist Challenges. 完成所有生存挑战
The Free Folk
Complete an Outcast Rescue Mission. 完成一次放逐者拯救任务
Complete all Outcast Rescue Missions. 完成所有放逐者拯救任务
Thrill of the Hunt
Successfully complete 4 Hunting Challenges. 成功完成4个狩猎挑战
Master of the Wilds
Complete all Hunting Challenges. 完成所有狩猎挑战
Memories of Eregion
Activate all Forge Towers. 激活所有锻造塔